At some time you may have researched the history of your surname and traced your family tree. It is a sad fact that we often know very little of even our Grand Parents. We may have general knowledge of their lives but rarely know little more than where they lived and worked for the latter part of there lives. We gain some insight of their earlier lives when researching family trees. Crucial information is gleaned from birth and marriage certificates which listed occupations and addresses. An interesting site is Spatial Literacy which gives social and geographical background to surnames. It shows where surnames were clustered in both the late 19th and late 20th century. It also gives the catergorises the largest group of people with a particular surname. e.g. Academics or Shared Staircase Dwellers. and ranks the position as a percentage of the population. Similarly it also ranks the status of a surname. Statistically you could target surnames in specific regions to advertise particular products.
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